Nyxia Creations

Digital Illustration and handmade crafts

Hello! I'm Astra! I am currently working as a freelance artist for my own business Nyxia Creations where I create digital illustrations and handmade crafts.
I have always had a passion for art and storytelling, and have been drawing and creating things for as long as I can remember.
Video games have also been a passion of mine ever since I could comprehend what a video game was. I spent most of my childhood playing different games such as Halo, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4, Dark Souls and the Assassins creed series.
I am a massive fan of the fantasy genre, and many books and stories within this genre such as The Lord Of The Rings, and Game Of Thrones.
I have also worked on my own novels, and am now a published author! You can check out my books and writing at RebeccaWylde.com

Products, graphic design, and photography

Here is my latest pricing for art commissions!
Prices can vary between different clients depending on the specific requests.

Interested in a commission?Drop me a message!
- @Nyxia_Creations
Discord - @Nyxia.Creations
Twitter - @Nyxia_Creations
Email - [email protected]
Please also check my TOS for all the information about how I work and what each client is entitled to as a customer of Nyxia Creations.Click here for TOS!

Flat colour

Clean, basic lineart with simple flat coloured artwork

Base prices
Headshot / icon: £20
Waist up: £30
Full body: £40

Full shading

Coloured, detailed linework, colour details, and a mix of smooth and cell shading for a unique twist

Base prices
Headshot / icon: £40
Waist up: £50
Full body: £60

Fursuit badges

Basic cell shaded or flat coloured artwork, printed and laminated with a badge clip, and your choice of gorgeous, shiny backing cards.

Base prices
Flat colours: £25
Cell shaded: £35
Holographic coating: +£5
Fursuit badges are headshot ONLYIncludes free postage within the UK. International postage is £10 extra

Cell shading

Clean lines, flat colours, and simple, cell shading. Perfect for some clean, basic art

Base prices
Headshot / icon: £30
Waist up: £40
Full body: £50


Coloured, detailed linework, complex colours and lighting, and completely smooth, detailed shading

Base prices
Headshot / icon: £60
Waist up: £80
Full body: £100

NFC scan badge

Detailed lineart and basic shading, with character name, species, and pronouns. Laminated with NFC chip, badge clip, and your choice of gorgeous backing cards

Base prices
Scan badges come with an NFC chip within the badge that can be coded to any link, and scanned by tapping a compatible phoneIncludes free postage within the UK. International postage is £10 extra

Additional costs

Simple colours / patterns / gradients: FREE
Simple background: £10
Scene: £20+
Additional characters
Each additional character is +50% on your total cost
Some props (E.g cars) may be charged as a character
Commercial use
Commissions for commercial use (Merch, logos, etc) Will incur additional fees on a case by case basis, depending on the intended use. Please contact me for more details about your request.
Reference sheets
Refs are available to commission upon request. These will be quoted on a case by case basis depending on what is needed by the client. Please have a rough idea in mind or artwork of your character for me to work from. I will NOT design your character for you from the ground up. Please contact me for more information.